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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just [insert brand name here] it!

Just Google it! Just FedEx it! Just...well, you get the point!

You know a company has done it big when a brand name resonates globally in a person's everyday life. Branding is extremely important in any marketing strategy. It is how your customers know and perceive your product. It is not just a name, but it is what your company represents to any particular customer.

I am always fascinated by the fact that some brands have been so successful in penetrating people's vocabularies, such as Google. I am not trying to be biased towards Google (because it is truly my favorite search engine), but when you tell someone to search for something online, what phrase typically comes to mind? Is it "Just Yahoo! it"? Is it "Just Bing it"? [I have to give it to Bing, though, they're really trying to make it catch on, but unfortunately, I Google things.] "Just Google it!" sounds right.

If a company can clearly identify the image they want to portray, they can be successful. On the contrary, if the company itself does not know the message/image they are trying to deliver to its customers, how can they expect their customers to know? They will most likely be all over the place trying to reach its target audience in an unsuccessful manner.

But what is in a brand name that makes it successful? Is it that they have a good marketing strategy, simply making their brand name a nice complement? Did they luck out with a good name? (I don't necessarily think luck was it for Google...) Google knows what it stands for and its customers do, too!

1 comment:

  1. This topic is very interesting because that is how the company will achieve the desired position through the proper implementation of marketing and thus become the top of mind not only to their target market but for the overall market. Very good topic!
